Thursday, January 21, 2010

I know..I know..

All in a day's work on a Sunday Afternoon...

Sorry lah I know its been a while. *blush* If it means anything, this is what I've had to do in the past two months:

After Fashion week ---> A month in Singapore for the play I did with Tan Kheng Hua (amazing experience!), The Composer then ---> to KL to spend Christmas with the family then ---> to Perth to spend New Years with the husband-to-be then ---> in KL now planning something that will be announced at the Press Conference on the 27th of January!!

So yes, I've not even had time to firm my hotel for the Wedding --->31st July!! --->haven't even seen the design of my gown yet ---> JOVIAN MANDAGIE you busy boy, quickly finish your work and call me soon! ;)

So once again, apologies. Here's a nice update on what's going on:

1. My sister (Natasha) is coming to KL on Sat night with her husband, Christophe. Fun times except I'm going to be so busy putting the entire PC together with my team-mates: Mae Leong, Eugenie Chan and Jojo Lee. This PC is to announce that basically the four of us are embarking on a journey make dreams come true. :) Just stay tuned here to find out more lah ok? :D

2. Been having interviews with quite a few members of the media; apparently people really want to know about my life, now that I'm getting married. I'm not complaining, I suppose its because I don't see myself as anyone uber famous so much so people would be interested in my life to the extent that the news would report it.

3. Oooh catch The Breakfast Show on NTV7 on the 28th of Feb to see what I'm talking about (the PC I mean!) :)

4. Paul's in Perth, and I'll be going over to see him over CNY which conveniently falls on Valentines Day! It'll also be his birthday on the 7th of Feb, but he's spending that with his mates on one of their 'Boys' Weekends' where they all sit, drink, and play poker.

5. Being back in KL is great, and I've decided a few things I love about this city that you can't really find anywhere in Singapore or Perth:

i. Valet Parking

ii. Cheap movie tickets

iii. GOOD mamak food

iv. Pasar Malam, and Asam Laksa

v. Rojak (Penang)

vi. Satayyyyyy!

vii. FLYfm

viii. My own car

ix. Cheap petrol

x. Mum and Dad.


Aaand if you'd like to know more often on a day-to-day basis what I get up to: just go to my fb! Andrea Fonseka. ---> banner on the right of this page. xoxox!


albert said...

Good day I have spent my time in the office being unproductive going all the way back in your blog because it was just so engrossing to read. Hello!

P.S. Spotted you at MIFW but didn't get to say hi because you were singing MJ!

Unknown said...

im from SG.. in KL for that weekend. was shopping with my bf and i saw u in that mall doing a shoot in KL! and then another time at the food court at lunchtime.

Ure gorgeous! Congrats on the upcoming big day!

Joseph Wan said...

Hello miss Andrea,
Just out of curiosity, what cosmetic product do you use?