Thursday, April 10, 2008

Channel News Asia Interview for En Bloc

Hey Guys! :) In case you weren't able to catch the interview on CNA this morning, this is for you.

It was lots of fun, my second time on CNA. The last time I was with Michelle Chia, and this time I was with Emida, Executive producer, and Nat Ho my "younger brother". He's such a sweetie. Heh.

"What're you doing?! You're on top trying to take advantage of Tina?? SHE'S A SCHOOL GIRL!!" (I proceded to slap him on the arm several times, and Nat was like, "No, Che! *Ow!* I didn't la! *OW!*")

Thought of popping by 987fm's studio and saying Hi to my PrimeTime morning boys, Dan and Young. That picture Young is pointing to was one he stuck up when I first appeared on 8 Days as a DOND girl. Lol!

1 comment:

marcus said...

you're so cute in that interview! hahah