I'm the worst in the world
Never walk under ladders,
I keep a rabbit's tail (fake one, don't buy animal furs okay....)
Lol! I'm feeling especially chirpy today! Hence my two blog posts in a row - tee hee. I'm still trying to figure out why my pics from *that-certain-cd-burnt* won't upload into my computer and into my blog post btw. But I shan't let that dampen my spirits!! :)
So I'm currently writing a paper on biomedical law, its about minors (below 21 yrs old) and their 'choice' when it comes to medical decisions. Did you know that the court can overrule your rejection of medication and force you to undergo treatment? Example, if you're a Jehovah Witness, and you reject blood transfusions, the hospital can apply for leave, and the court can say, "okay go ahead put blood into her eventhough she signed a card saying she didn't want that, and even though her parents don't support it". Hmmm. Welfare vs Autonomy. Tough moot point, that.
In the meantime, I was forwarded this little thing, and it made me burst out laughing. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did! (oh if only such humour would be tolerated in Singapore...)
You should look up Jeff Durnham and his puppets! He's hilarious or rather, they're ALL hilarious!
love the Ed Hardy shirt! :)
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