Friday, December 28, 2007

No me ames

Last night I was watching Love Actually on Ch 5 (Yes, I'm a sucker for romantic comedies, you guys should know that by now. lol).

With the different stories of love, intertwined amongst each other; the Husband Who Finds New Love After His Wife Cheats on Him, the Adulterer Who Got Caught, the Man With Power Who Finds Simple Love, the Wife Whose Husband's Best Friend is In Love With Her, the Young Boy Experiencing 'Total Agony of Love', .. I don't know why it made me think of the song No Me Ames, a duet sung by Jeniffer Lopez and Marc Anthony. (Perhaps because the best part of the movie was when Collin Firth falls in love with his Portuguese housekeeper, and proposes to her...and thus made me think of a Spanish song? Although the Portuguese speak.. well, Portuguese I do realise that. But that's irrelevant, it sounds same same to me.)

ANYWAY. Marc and Jlo sang this back in 1999, before they became a couple. I managed to source the lyrics, Spanish and its English translation. Only then did I realise what a sad, sad song it really is. All along I thought it was a beautiful love song, not a tragic one!

So for all you Karaoke fanatics out there who'd like to attempt this song with someone, this one's for you. ;)

Dime porque lloras-----------------------------Tell me why are you crying?

de felicidad--------------------------------------From happiness

y porque te ahogas----------------------------And why are you so choked up?

por la soledad----------------------------------Because of loneliness

di porque me tomas---------------------------Tell me why are you holding
fuerte asi, mis manos-------------------------my hands so tight
y tus pensamientos---------------------------And your thoughts seem to carry you away
te van llevando

Yo te quiero tanto-----------------------------I love you so much!

y porque sera---------------------------------And why is that?

loco testarudo---------------------------------Don't be so crazy and stubborn
no lo dudes mas------------------------------Stop doubting me!
aunque en el futuro---------------------------Even if the future holds
haya un muro enorme------------------------a vast emptiness for me
yo no tengo miedo----------------------------I'm not afraid
quiero enamorarme quiero enamorarTE------I just want to love you

No me ames-----------------------------------Don't love me
porque pienses--------------------------------because you think
que parezco diferente-----------------------I seem different

tu no piensas que es lo justo----------------You don't think it's right
ver pasar el tiempo juntos------------------for us to spend this time together?

No me ames--------------------------Don't love me
que comprendo----------------------because I know
la mentira que seria-----------------what a lie it would be!

Si tu amor no merezco-----------------If you don't think I deserve your love
no me ames----------------------------then don't love me
mas quedate otro dia------------------Just stay another day here...

No me ames----------------------------------Don't love me
porque estoy perdido-----------------------because I'm lost
porque cambie el mundo-------------------because I change the world
porque es el destino------------------------because it's destiny
porque no se puede------------------------because this is impossible
somos un espejo---------------------------We are like
y tu asi serias------------------------------a mirror image of each other
lo que yo de mi reflejo-------------------And you would become what I am

No me ames---------------------------------Don't love me
para estar muriendo------------------------to be dying
dentro de una guerra-----------------------in a war of regret
llena de arrepentimientos
No me ames---------------------------Don't love me
para estar en tierra-------------------to remain tied
quiero alzar el vuelo------------------to the ground
con tu gran amor-----------------I want to soar with your love
por el azul del cielo--------------through the blue sky

No se que decirte-----------------I don't know what to say
esa es la verdad------------------That's the truth
si la gente quiere-----------------When people want to
sabe lastimar----------------------they can really hurt you

Tu y yo partiremos---------When you and I part
ellos no se mueven---------they will remain unmoved
pero en este cielo-----------But now, in this big sky
sola no me dejes------------don't leave me all alone

No me dejes, no me dejes------------Don't leave me...don't leave me
no me eschuches---------------------Don't listen to me
si te digo "no me ames"---------------when I say "don't love me"

no me dejes, no desarmes------------Don't leave me
mi corazon con ese "no me ames"-------Stop breaking my heart with that "Don't love me"

No me ames, te lo ruego------------Don't love me, I'm begging you
mi amargura dejame----------------Leave me with my bitterness

sabes bien, que no puedo-----------You know very well I can't do that
que es inutil-------------------------That it's useless
que siempre te amare--------------That I'll always love you

No me ames---------------------------Don't love me
pues te hare sufrir--------------------I'll only make you suffer
con este corazon que-----------------with this heart
se lleno de mil inviernos--------------that is full of a thousand winters

no me ames------------------------Don't love me
para asi olvidarte------------------to forget
de tus dias grises-----------------your sad grey days
quiero que me ames--------------I want you to love me
solo por amarme-----------------because you love me

No me ames---------------Don't love me
tu y yo volaremos-----------You and I
uno con el otro----------------will soar with each other
y seguiremos siempre juntos------and continue together forever

este amor es como el sol que sale---------This love is like the sun
tras de la tormenta---------------------------that comes out after a terrible storm

como dos cometas------------------Like two comets
en la misma estela------------------in the same galaxy

No me ames
No me ames
No me ames

No, no me ames
No me ames
No me ames
No me ames

Just a note to end - If you're planning on singing this song to someone special, do it in Spanish. It somehow loses its melodic lyrical essence when translated, dontcha think? Although when you say "Please don't love me" it does sound better than "Don't love me".

Oh Lordy I really should stop blogging this early in the morning. Substance is lacking in this entry I fear. ;)


Feequa said...

hai andrea. how are you?

u shud watch the clip video of No me Ames in You tube or something. It's just...sad..

Take care yea. All da best and Happy new Year!:)

adhitya said...

It's a good song, it's a good movie. The director is the one who teamed up with rowan atkinson in making mr bean a huge hit. their jokes are always hillarious!

Salam kenal dari saya.

The Dictator said...

v nice song! i like to play this song to dance rumba!

Mel Fly Yeo said...

Hi Andrea. I hope ur reading this. Ithink yur an EXCEllent blogger. A woman with great substance and not just a pretty face. Your energetic and real in your hosting and acting. Keep up the great work. CHEERIOS

Hafiz said...

You should also check out Escapemonos by J Lo & Marc Anthony... Two versions, salsa and the sad sounding one. There's also a salsa version for No Me Ames, by the way.

Ciao, bella

ShadowDancer said...

Is the duet in spanish?
Oh..Here's a gd song u shld hear..STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN..IT ROCKZ!..


*SaLiNa* said...

hey andrea..
i want to ask u a question that's not related to this post..
i was just wondering..did u got to the MCR concert on the 11th?
cos i thought i saw u at the MRT station..
well,then again...i might be wrong..haha!
i'm just curious..
aniwaes,u're gorgeous! =DD

adelin said...

Dear Andrea,

Happy New Year!

You are in Today paper today, page 25.


Hafiz said...

Escapemonos is in Espanyol, si...

Stairway to Heaven? Is it by Led Zeppelin? Or AC/DC? These are two rival bands in Germany.

One came with Stairway to Heaven and the other one Highway to Hell. Can't remember which song belongs to which band, though.

hello said...

Hi andrea--her name is molina.

I also thought that of all scenes in the movie-- the most romantic scene was when jamie talked to molina in broken portuguese.

this film director is the same one for the film Notting Hill--richard curtis.

pardon the movie freak-ness (I dont know if this is even a word)
