Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?
~Eminem, Lose Yourself~
~Eminem, Lose Yourself~
Yep Folks, Live the Dream will be airing at 8.20pm, 9th August (National Day, baby!). I really cant wait to see how they've edited the first episode. :D Trust me, you'll be impressed.
And speaking of Living Dreams ~ I had a really weird dream sometime back... I dreamt that I became an MTV VJ, and was such an absolute Diva, I lost all my friends and loved ones. Eeek. How bizzare is that?! I mean, the first bit is fine, I'd absolutely LOVE to be an MTV VJ... but becoming a diva? I'm trying to be extra careful these days - its easy to expect and let fame get to your head. I still have the same friends I did as before, and my cats remind me everyday that I'm not the boss when I get home. ;) Its always like:
Cats: Great you're home. I don't care if you're dead tired after taking all those glamorous pictures, get your ass in the pantry and FEED ME. And while you're there, clean my litter tray!!
Me: *groaaaann....*
Cats: NOW!!!
Me: *shuffle shuffle* (too tired to even speak, see.)
O well. I'm taking each day as it comes... I will however be extremely busy over the next few days, I have full days shoots all the way till Friday. Then on Saturday; I'll be hosting the Female 50 Most Gorgeous Street Hunt. Imagine that - I was merely a participant last year.
How things change. :)
Hi Andrea Friends,
This Ad can be found on the latest 8 days/i Mag. Cheers!......
Hi adelin... very cool and cute ad. I wonder why's A the only one looking at the camera. What's Utt and Michelle looking at?
What's the point of this?
Being environmentally friendly?
Topic : Fairness
last week 8 days/i mag : Michelle was in front, Andrea & Utt look away.
this week : Beautiful Andrea in front, Utt & Michelle look away.
next week : Utt in front.
Wow...You are given the spotlight in the ad. Even Michelle and Utt are placed in the background. If this is not an attempt by Mediacorp to make you the next big thing, I don't know what is.
(Are there other versions of the ad with Michelle and Utt in the foreground instead?)
Cherish this wonderful opportunity and do your best in hosting the programme. Looking forward to it. =)
Hello Andrea
You are sure living your dream.:)
Do you go to Fitness First? The one at Cathay?
Andrae, you're an Eminem fan. Excellent! Please reply to my e-mail before I do a "Stan" on you... :)
whoops, sorry 'bout the spelling error in your name, Andrea. Hand-cramp is pervasive...
A, life can certainly dish. And it's heartening/encouraging to read of your 'turn of the tide' xperience(s) with regard to hosting d 'Female 50 most Gorgeous St Hunt'.
Reach out and grab that dream before living it. Grab your miracle. I believe The 'Transfer Zone' (4U) is in season.
Dearest Andrea Veronica Fonseka
Someone from the "kampong" said that the Fonsekas were one of the top and most respected German Shepherd dog breeders in Malaysia. And your goodself are a qualified dog handler and judge dog competitions...:)
Anyways, I have fallen in love with that fat cat of yours..hehe!:)
Congrats Andrea! Im surprised Mediacorp has put u as the front face of Live The Dream, as opposed to Michelle or Utt. That by itself is a fine achievement. Once again congrats!
That's it-the cause of your backache! You've been victim of the Jedi mind trick from you cats!! They cast that trick on you whenever you go home and you bend over to pick them up! That's what's causing your pain! Hehe!
We used to call them our favourite 'time wasters' as there's no way you'd walk by them without just patting or talking to them! Meow! How I miss my puddies...
Hello Andrea,
hmm, do you have problem buying shoe?
busy week ah, take care okie!
(A) That quote reminds me of the "man in the arena" thing I posted. It reflects my "all or nothing" approach to DOND.
(B) I don't think you'll fall into the "fame trap". I'm sure you'll be distracted once or twice...but that's it. :)
(C) When you wrote GET YOUR ASS IN THE PANTRY, I read GET YOUR ASS IN THESE PANTIES. :O I'm just saying...
(D) If you're hearing your cats talk, you're a little more than "dead tired". ;)
Oh Andrea, you just broke my heart by breaking my little "record" of you always replying my posts with your previous post in the comments board (there wasn't any me mentioned!). =( Haha, kidding! I mean, you have so many posts to look at, so many people to reply to. So yep, you've GOT TO be selective in replying.
Anyway, nice ad! I cant help but notice, you are the, *surprise*, most prominent on the ad, once again! Even the seasoned Michelle and Utt had to give way to you the new Queen!
And regarding your dreams, they are meant to be weird aren't they? Many dreams do not make any sense at all! But, people say, you dream what you think of most in the day (in Chinese it goes: ri(4) you(3) suo(3) si(1), ye(4) you(3) suo(3) meng(4)). So I guess you must have been influenced by Utt and wishing you'd become a MTV VJ!
Ya, fame is a funny thing isn't it? Many do so much just to achieve the fame, the status, but when the smoke has dispersed and the dust has settled, it may be too late for regrets on all the sacrifices one had to make to achieve it. So it's great that you are still keeping yourself grounded in the midst of your rising popularity, for what's most true is the genuine concern of family and friends!
Just my 5 cents worth. *You can credit it into my account!* =)
Chinese always have explanations for dreams (e.g. when you dream of snake it means something etc). It is believe that if you dream of bad things (e.g. love one leaving you) in real life it is the direct opposite of it.
Yesterday, I saw news that there was a bus accident in Malaysia, 11 died.
Last night, I dream that I was on a bus, bus passes Bukit Timah, suddenly traffic slow down. Looking out of the window, to my horror, i saw a lot of bodies at the side of the road…………………………….
True to what you said adelin. And what you don't dream is what you may get in life.
I agree...cats have a way of doing that to you. The "you better feed me or else I'll make so much noise you can't sleep"..haha. I will be hated by many for this but you know I love you girl.
I wanted to say I think that's not the most flattering photo of you. The hair is a bit weird and the make-up sorta hides your otherwise very nice features. Poo...You have very captivating eyes. I guess it can only be appreciated if you're going for a "chill" look..which i guess its supposed to be from the beach backdrop.
Oh did I mention, everytime you're in the LTD ad, my bf refers to Michelle as 'the other girl'. So mean right? I think Michelle Chia has a girl-next-door charm. You have the more exotic Eurasian look. Different but both very beautiful. I know why cannot put all of you side by side...like in the Wonderbabes commercial..Utt looks embarassingly short next to you..haha. No offence to him..I think he's cute but I always thought the men should be taller than the women. But then again...you're mighty tall...pretty hard to find guys who can top that...not impossible lah, but hard.
Pathfinder: Wah, you like to think of yourself as hot ah? I'm curious to know whether you really are.
I'm reading about your handbag purchase, and I'm thinking...taste with thrift, beauty with brains, confidence without conceit (TM). Would you like to have my kids? :) I'm sure I can pencil you in SOMETIME. Where's my Role...Rolodex? ;)
A and Adelin...
ANOTHER bus accident...take care, A.
"...you like to think of yourself as hot..."
I "like" to, but that doesn't mean I'm right... :O
OWtN: eh resident QP, I got a question: why is the use of glass so pervasive in facade and cladding in the construction industry today??? Makes our landscape look so... cold. Why aren't you guys using good ol' reinforced concrete anymore?!
Fazzy: if you're really stumped as to what modules to take, then I suggest you forget about interests and marketability factors, and just take those subjects where the teachers are reputed to give high marks (ask around your seniors). At the end of the day, I mean - year, you'll be using those grades to apply for pupillage.
these days a lot of accident.
1. Today news, a female driver rushing for her exam, knocked down an aunty & uncle, aunty died.
2. Monday, the bus i took, knocked into an private bus.
btw. i wonder how many cyclist know that they actually have to cycle on the road or bicyle track, not the walk way. Cyclist always act as if the walkway is their racing track, ring&ring even when you'r walking 20m walking infront.
sorry me just angry cos. just now an cyclist nearly knock into an old man.
A and F...
I think there are natural waves in A's hair...a result of her mixed heritage, perhaps? I know she straightens it sometimes...
Whatever it is, F, I like the look. I'm sorry, A, but if you're any indication...purebred dogs are OVERRATED. :) Of course, you can't really compare dogs with people...
hmm, natural is the best.
Andrea is always beautiful.
Somehow i got a feeling the photo session not easy. I think the sun made andrea had a hard time keeping her eyes open?
(A) I don't ride bicycles, but I used to ride a motorbike. Maybe these cyclists ring "twenty meters" off to give you some leeway...
(B) I'm glad you were not hurt. :)
omgg!!! the show it's on my 19th!!!
sadly, my dad is a singaporean
&&&& i was born in kota kinabalu sbh,...ishh =(
& Andrea, you're bloody gorgeous! =D
path : i believe so too :)
somehow i think it is not right, it is against the law to cycle on walkway but people using the walkway have to give in to them.
thanks for ur concern.
btw.. i use to cycle but nowadays seldom cycle cos. the bicyle too bulky.
another reason, lazy... ;p
DOND, any idea how much did the malay man took home?
deal@$37,400, his box 21 $150.
good nite!
Andrea, Your recent blog about Demi and Skit, is so funny and cute. You may be #@%$&%#@#!. But deep inside, you know, they are worth it...:)
Bottomline, you always know what is good for you, just *shuffle shuffle* and smile:)
Wish you sweet dreams always:) and we will always be with you, even you are a DIVA, yah yah yah:) hahahaha.
Hi Friends,
Our dear Andrea, busy with her shoot, I miss her leh ;P
hai……..work suxs, dearest Andrea, you need a PA??
hahahaha I quit my job and be your PA……………
me daydreaming ah……………………………
Hi Andrea,
You might not remember me, but I was at your place several times when Lena was still in IMU. The late night parties, drinking sessions and all...
How time flies indeed... and along the way, you've achieved so much.
I guess as time goes by, people go different ways, and lose touch... Have you any idea how I can get back in contact with your sis? Would love to know how she's doing..
And of course, I'm happy that you're doing very well! :)
Hey Andrea, it's me Kenny - a friend of Lena's from Perth. We met once before after she set me up to meet you as an 'experiment'.
AAAAaaaannnyyway, I thought you said you hated blogging! :P What happened?
Hit me back. My e-mail's im@kennysia.com.
Pathfinder: I knew when I posted that someone would disagree. Just my opinion I guess. Like I said..she's still beautiful just that I like it better when they actually eccentuate her nice features instead of trying to hide it. And that's her natural hair? Really? I thought they did something to it. You never know with celebs..their hair gets made up all the time you can't figure out whether their natural hair is straight or not. So is Andrea's hair naturally straight or wavy? Anyways, yah, people shouldn't be compared with dogs. And I wanted to know if you really ARE hot or if you're just saying it to boost your self-confidence.
Scorpion: Actually ah, I don't know that many seniors..in fact, I don't know any..not any I talk to anyway. So screwed rite?
Scorpion:- with reference to your question about the pervasive usage of glass..i'm wondering too - somehow it might be the desire to have "arrived" in the world that one can afford space and view, whether real or virtual.
I've read part of your blog.
At the end of your "foot in mouth" entry, you post two pictures side by side. One is of (I think) Lena...is the other one of A? I've been trying to figure that one out.
I'm sure they curled it FOR THE PHOTO. However, I suspect it's naturally wavy. Maybe A can tell us when she gets a break in her schedule. Till then, it's all just speculation...
As for how "hot" I am, I don't think anybody (else) here cares. After all, this blog isn't about me. But A has met me, and has said I'm amazingly sexy...of course, she was kidding. :( Let's just say I'm not in particular need of "boosting". Even if I were, this wouldn't be where I'd seek affirmation.
Scopion:- its also a bit easier to keep clean (i.e glass) and the need to paint, re- paint and re-re-paint is diminished in due season.
thanks to you, memories of textbook theories were reflashed, rehashed and refreshed in d mind.
What's "reflashed"? :)
haha, flash again again and again lor (:
u mean not in dictionary ah?.. ):
"...people shouldn't be compared with dogs."
On the other hand, many dogs are better than many people.
If there's a gene for nobility, the dog possesses it.
Hi Andrea, I bump into ur blog by chance. Just wanna say..U are doin great now compared to last time when ppl will critize u for 'u know what'. Thumbs up facing it and overcoming it. :)
fazzy: this is a reply to you here, as well as to the latest post in Andrea's previous blog entry... hey fret not, I hardly knew any seniors in my time too. But come to think of it, I'm still your senior (by X number of years) and you know me (well, sorta) right?
You mentioned you really need to pull up your grades (think pupillage applications). So the most important factor is practicability - to get good grades! From my experience, Aviation Law is pretty o.k. (Andrea took that too - care to comment?). Also - IT (1 & 2) and Biotech. And Jurisprudence - it's actually pretty cool. Don't let whatever experience you had with legal theory colour your impression. Go talk to Tan Seow Hon and find out more.
Another way to go about it is to consider are you an exam-oriented person, or do you excel at written assignments or presentations? If it's the former, go for subjects with emphasis on the final exam (e.g. where the exam component is 100% or 90% weightage). If you don't consider yourself exam-savvy, then go for those subjects where weightage is broken into many components - assignment, class participation etc.
My two cents, for what it's worth.
Wah Lau Eh.
How to reply to everyone's posts?! ehehe..
Path: You want me to have your babies?? lol! cannot lah. ;) want kids, but not yet. You're better off finding someone who can have your kids now-ish. ;)
Mei: We didn't have parties THAT often. lol! I am sure I'd remember you if I didn't have to remember you from a teeny picture in this dialogue box. heh. Nice to see you again, How're you doing and what're you doing now?
Faz: Development in Asia or something under Andrew Harding is pretty good. He's a chilled lecturer. As for the rest; look out for visiting profs, they tend to be more lenient. ;)
Beyond: Thanks dear. :)
Scorp: uhh I Forgot what you said already (no time to scroll up la)but i'm sure it was deep and insightful, and probably has some resonance of truth in it. ;)
Ok guys I have just gotten back, and now i'm off again to ESPN for Score Tonight. I think its on at 7pm, 10pm and 12pm... but you better check and see lah. Its on StarSports. ;)
"...want kids, but not yet. You're better off finding someone who can have your kids now..."
(A) I don't know, it seems like you'd be worth the wait... :)
(B) I'm male, and will be "viable" for a bit. You'd BETTER not be saying I'm old...that will be, what, twice this month? :P F will now be asking if I'm hot and...old. ;)
I miss you every time you have a busy spell, and can't come on. I don't say it, because I don't want you to feel pressured into making an appearance (it wouldn't be fair to you, and it sure wouldn't make for a FUN blog)!
But since you've brought it up, yes...I missed you also. :)
I would like to say I miss you all too...but then I don't know any of you...not in person anyway. Keeping fingers crossed that maybe within the next year I'll meet Andrea along the school corridors.
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