Gotta head over to shoot a quick interview with Style Magazine, no I'm not on the cover, but I'll let you know which edition it is just incase anyone would like to pick it up. ;) (10am-2pm)
Then its over to Bebe for a fitting for an event I will be hosting soon. (2.45pm-3.30pm)
Then its over to an event that I'm hosting tonight, and they want me there and waiting by 4pm!! Howla. So majorly rushed. :(
All's good, I will find a way to make it there on time.
Moving on to other things: You know what I've been up to the past few days, right? The 987fm Radio interview was one of them.
Once again, thank you to all for all your kind wishes of congratulations over the past few days... And again, a big big thanks to Adelin for being so sweet for scanning the cover of Female and mailing it to me the day it came out itself! Such the sweetiepie, thank you. :)
a VeRy GoOd mOrNiNg to andrea,
dun mention it lah. small matter.
i was worried that, you can't sleep well w/o seeing the mag, end up after all the scanning, rescan.. i think i din make it before andrea zZz, kekekeke...
p/s: also email other pages but guess file size(>3mb) too big for your inbox.
lunch break??? makan??? ;P
How I wish I had a fraction of your energy, Andrea! You rock! Budak Pulau!
wow! 2 words. " Sexy Back " haha.
Goodness, why expose so much flesh?
And ya can't say your stylist dressed you for this one!
i thought u not suprise coz it"s usual for celebrity in a magazine cover page..
Frm MJ
Andrea : only 7 things in ur bag.
MIA : purse/wallet?
Baby got back.
"The store owner was nice enough to let me take this picture..."
Photographic proof that you can't have TOO much of a good thing... ;)
Did the vendor recognise you THIS time (before you explained)? It must be the first time anything like this has happened to him!
I have to say, if I may, "That dress does lack a back!"
I like it! And I'm sorry, Doctor Seuss... :(
Wah! Wah! Wah! Speechless:) I have just gotten back from a short trip to Indonesia and what have happened here?
Andrea, You are ><...Me speechless.
Cheers to you girl and cheers to all who supported you all the way.
Do rest when you can, looks like your PalmOne Zire 72 PDA will be super packed with appointments. Please bring along an extra Asthma puff k. ( not cursing you, but remember you could not find it then, when you needed it). From yeaterday DOND, you were the last girl standing, and indeed you will be, with your attitude. But I can tell that you were very uncomfortable, did not know that you have a chronic back pain. Please do rest and get a good rub k. You do need good rest for the back to heal faster.
I feel lucky for you too. Cheers Girl. You are simply stunning:)
CK:) thanks for the reply. Cheers bro.
Good night Andrea:)
Good night everyone:)
I see somebody made the Straits Times today...forget the magazines and minor papers. You've hit the BIG time, baby... :O
I really like the pic...people talk about how beautiful you are, but has anybody (else) told you what a sweet smile you have? :)
Your smile triggers my fraternal instincts, but your pout triggers my animal instincts. :O What AM I to do with you? ;)
i used to work in the blue building. no wonder i find the pills package so familiar, visted the clinic a (will not mention name) a few time. It is still the old and patient doctor?
p/s : MIA : Handphone, ;P
Been a while since I last posted a note here. You know Andrea, when I was listening in to 987FM on Wednesday morning and the Muttons said they will be having the #1 in this year's FHM 100 Sexiest Women in the World poll in the studio the next day, I just had this gut feeling that it was going to be YOU! =) Congrats on "winning"! I missed the program on radio but I did see you on Urban! You said something like you realised Law is not for you. Are you going to quit school? NO! Don't do that. It's only a year more, don't let your efforts on the previous 3years go down the drain! Hang in there, have a cup of Strabucks and preservere on! You can put it on hold to pursue your career as a celebrity but nothing is more secue than having a degree you can fall back on! Hope I'm not being an ah-ma here. Heh.
Sorry, spelled Starbucks wrongly up there. What an insult to our favourite brand of coffee, my bad...=p
Backless Dress:~
Well it looks more exposed than it is (when i'm not hunching looking over my shouler: I wanted to get a good shot showing that it was backless and it was abit too much hehe). What I like about that dress is that the front is totally modest. high neckline, long sleeves. then the back dips like that (as you can seE) and is held up from sleeve to sleeve by a thin black string. Cool right? ;)
Female Magazine: Calvin (mag shop owner) was like, "eh! dat is you?" I was like, "uh huh. Wanna give me discount?" LOL!!! Cheapskate that I am. :P
Adelin: Ya still same 75 year old doctor. :S
M: I know lah. I'll be completing not to worry. ;)
Pathfinder: so.. does that make you a....Horny Father? hehehehhehehe.
:S back! hahhahahaha
i have seen old granny going down to clinic to meet him for lunch before.
Very sweet leh............
"...the front is totally modest."
Wedding dresses do this since you see the bride from the back...yes, I know this AND I'm straight. :P
But it IS a beautiful dress. And its the Crocodile Hunter would have said, "Isn't she a beauty!" ;)
...especially when you have a copy AND a scan already. :)
"...Horny Father"
:O I can't believe I'm getting beaten at this by a BEAUTY QUEEN. ;)
...and I said "fraternal", not "paternal"! :P I'm not saying that wouldn't still be gross...I'm just saying I'm not that OLD. ;)
I wonder if that magazine vendor knows one of our know, the one who turns into a stuffed tiger.
Actually...the Crocodile Hunter would have said, "Isn't she a beauty! She's a NAUGHTY girl!"
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