Sometimes when it rains I feel like the world is crying. It almost makes me depressed at times like these (usually if I don't have someone to cuddle up on the sofa and have a cup of hot chocolate with! ;) ).
I don't feel the urge to do anything productive, I don't want to travel anywhere (not even out of my apartment to get food), .. I just want to... SLEEP.
What's worse is that Skit's afraid of thunder - so whenever it rains he quickly finds a hiding spot (under my clothes in my closet, or in the storeroom) and there's no getting him out of there.
Ah well.
Days like this make me want to listen to Norah Jones. Which I just started playing on Itunes btw. *hehehe*
Anyway, in case you guys don't already know; its my birthday tomorrow. Another year older, perhaps wiser. That being said, its really just another day. I celebrated with some friends on Saturday, close ones came over to my place for a couple of hours. It was nice. :) These were the people who knew me prior to all the glitz and glam.
But some dear friends have gone abroad. :( Xanne, Daph, I miss you guys so much.
I think I'm losing my friends slowly... they're all either moving away or going back to where they came from. Sigh. And y'know what? Its so hard to make friends these days. I'm like that, I'll have lotsa friends, but only so few at the same time. Am I the only person who feels this way?
Don't ask me why I'm so somber today... I blame the weather.
Oh here's a little cheer me upper.
One of the things I got for my birthday? THIS! :D
You should've seen my face when I unwrapped it. I did mention that I really wanted the white one, or the hot pink one - I couldn't decide. Then comes along THIS ONE and it was a colour right in between the two! ;) I was such a happy camper that night.
Now next on my list: That matching mouse and matching pink carry case. Then shoes to go along with it. *big girly grin* YEP. I think I've got a new thing for pink these days....
I don't feel the urge to do anything productive, I don't want to travel anywhere (not even out of my apartment to get food), .. I just want to... SLEEP.
What's worse is that Skit's afraid of thunder - so whenever it rains he quickly finds a hiding spot (under my clothes in my closet, or in the storeroom) and there's no getting him out of there.
Ah well.
Days like this make me want to listen to Norah Jones. Which I just started playing on Itunes btw. *hehehe*
Anyway, in case you guys don't already know; its my birthday tomorrow. Another year older, perhaps wiser. That being said, its really just another day. I celebrated with some friends on Saturday, close ones came over to my place for a couple of hours. It was nice. :) These were the people who knew me prior to all the glitz and glam.
But some dear friends have gone abroad. :( Xanne, Daph, I miss you guys so much.
I think I'm losing my friends slowly... they're all either moving away or going back to where they came from. Sigh. And y'know what? Its so hard to make friends these days. I'm like that, I'll have lotsa friends, but only so few at the same time. Am I the only person who feels this way?
Don't ask me why I'm so somber today... I blame the weather.
Oh here's a little cheer me upper.
One of the things I got for my birthday? THIS! :D
You should've seen my face when I unwrapped it. I did mention that I really wanted the white one, or the hot pink one - I couldn't decide. Then comes along THIS ONE and it was a colour right in between the two! ;) I was such a happy camper that night.
Now next on my list: That matching mouse and matching pink carry case. Then shoes to go along with it. *big girly grin* YEP. I think I've got a new thing for pink these days....