Sometimes when it rains I feel like the world is crying. It almost makes me depressed at times like these (usually if I don't have someone to cuddle up on the sofa and have a cup of hot chocolate with! ;) ).
I don't feel the urge to do anything productive, I don't want to travel anywhere (not even out of my apartment to get food), .. I just want to... SLEEP.
What's worse is that Skit's afraid of thunder - so whenever it rains he quickly finds a hiding spot (under my clothes in my closet, or in the storeroom) and there's no getting him out of there.
Ah well.
Days like this make me want to listen to Norah Jones. Which I just started playing on Itunes btw. *hehehe*
Anyway, in case you guys don't already know; its my birthday tomorrow. Another year older, perhaps wiser. That being said, its really just another day. I celebrated with some friends on Saturday, close ones came over to my place for a couple of hours. It was nice. :) These were the people who knew me prior to all the glitz and glam.
But some dear friends have gone abroad. :( Xanne, Daph, I miss you guys so much.
I think I'm losing my friends slowly... they're all either moving away or going back to where they came from. Sigh. And y'know what? Its so hard to make friends these days. I'm like that, I'll have lotsa friends, but only so few at the same time. Am I the only person who feels this way?
Don't ask me why I'm so somber today... I blame the weather.
Oh here's a little cheer me upper.
One of the things I got for my birthday? THIS! :D
You should've seen my face when I unwrapped it. I did mention that I really wanted the white one, or the hot pink one - I couldn't decide. Then comes along THIS ONE and it was a colour right in between the two! ;) I was such a happy camper that night.
Now next on my list: That matching mouse and matching pink carry case. Then shoes to go along with it. *big girly grin* YEP. I think I've got a new thing for pink these days....
I don't feel the urge to do anything productive, I don't want to travel anywhere (not even out of my apartment to get food), .. I just want to... SLEEP.
What's worse is that Skit's afraid of thunder - so whenever it rains he quickly finds a hiding spot (under my clothes in my closet, or in the storeroom) and there's no getting him out of there.
Ah well.
Days like this make me want to listen to Norah Jones. Which I just started playing on Itunes btw. *hehehe*
Anyway, in case you guys don't already know; its my birthday tomorrow. Another year older, perhaps wiser. That being said, its really just another day. I celebrated with some friends on Saturday, close ones came over to my place for a couple of hours. It was nice. :) These were the people who knew me prior to all the glitz and glam.
But some dear friends have gone abroad. :( Xanne, Daph, I miss you guys so much.
I think I'm losing my friends slowly... they're all either moving away or going back to where they came from. Sigh. And y'know what? Its so hard to make friends these days. I'm like that, I'll have lotsa friends, but only so few at the same time. Am I the only person who feels this way?
Don't ask me why I'm so somber today... I blame the weather.
Oh here's a little cheer me upper.
One of the things I got for my birthday? THIS! :D
You should've seen my face when I unwrapped it. I did mention that I really wanted the white one, or the hot pink one - I couldn't decide. Then comes along THIS ONE and it was a colour right in between the two! ;) I was such a happy camper that night.
Now next on my list: That matching mouse and matching pink carry case. Then shoes to go along with it. *big girly grin* YEP. I think I've got a new thing for pink these days....
Why not write a poem that fuses the theme of rain and birthdays?
By the way, A, you going for the Law Fac 50th anniversary gala dinner this Saturday? If so, then indeed, "seeya..."
Hey, Kai invited me over on Saturday but I couldn't make it cause my dad was in town.
But anyway, Happy Birthday babe.
I know you've been doing great but I hope you get to do more and better. =) You deserve it.
Take care and will see you soon yea?
#23 DOND
Hi Andrea! Im new here,stumbled across ur blog while searching for details on u...you caught my attention after appearing on Live the Dream. B4 that,well,i didnt notice u that much n was wondering wat was the hype abt when u were on DOND.Well,now i get it...u hav quite a personality dun u eh?;)
Ok,anyway,on ur post today,u said its hard to make frens these days...is it cos ur in showbiz so its hard to find real frens although u meet ppl often? I get the idea that its harder in showbiz as many ppl wil not be 'real' to u.
Sometimes in life,u may meet a million ppl but still feel like ur walking alone if u cant trust the ppl ur with.But it has been said many a time that having only 1 true fren is enough.Its quality over quantity;)
Last but not least, Happy Birthday in advance Andrea;)
Have a great birthday, rain or shine!
happy birthday Miss Andrea, may you entertain us for the the years to come. So far you are doing a fabulous job. Not bad your birthday is just a week after mine. Well mam, If its raining and you need someone to cuddle, well look me up, coz i'm all yours ;]
Happy Birthday Little Auntie Ecstasy, and Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeee....! Yup, you may all Kiss me Happy B'day, even path lolz
Guess what I got for me big day? Hint : Went to da Big Jewellery Fair down at SUNTEC. Nah, no bling. But a 3-in-1 70+ million year old fossil!!! A Mosasaurus Leiodon tooth (big one!) embedded in the same matrix as a rare Corax pristodontus tooth & an Enchodus Lybicus vertebra !!! Isn't that more exciting than boring old blings? Wouldn't you wanna have it too Andrea? (Guys, she knows what I'm talking about. 3 mean predators, wow!)
As for the precious pink PC, yeah, looks real cool....but I can hold on for 1 more week... till COMEX!!!
And I can come as your Pink Painther... paint everything pink for you lolz :D
"...someone to cuddle up on the sofa and have a cup of hot chocolate with!"
I volunteer. I do prefer cocoa to coffee. :)
"...birthday tomorrow..."
Subtle. :) But you just KNOW I remembered. ;) Happy birthday...and your present is already in your INBOX (don't go looking for it at reception)!
"...close ones came over to my place..."
My invite must've gotten lost. :P
"...but only so few at the same time."
As somebody else mentioned, quality over quantity applies...ESPECIALLY for friends. And you've made friends right here...even if my invite did get lost. :P
HBD to you too! :D But no kiss from me... :P
Try reading that "I got the pink one" paragraph minus the link and plus a vivid imagination...
... but felicitations anyway. Remember only one more and then you don't get one candle per year anymore (fire safety regulations)
I can't believe I timed that exactly...
i think i have the same kind of feeling you got. life is losing some old friends and getting new ones. cheer up!
Happy Birthday..
Screw the heavy rain, screw false friendship, and happy birthday!
Cheer up k girl:) Its your day:) Happy birthday:)
Happy Birthday my dear! =)
Its YOUR day. =) Make yourself Happy! =)
hey andrea...happy birthday!!! and it seems like you're really busy nowadays. take care of ur health ya? once again, happy birthday to u!!!
Path:- Now i know why i couldn't get through wishing andrea at 12am sharp.. drats.. darn... damn...desperate (:
Happy Burday AF!!!..(again) (:
1st-ly happy bday =)
nice laptop too haha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREA! you look great tonight on livethedream! (:
Happy Birthday Andrea! Hope you success in whatever you are aiming for in life!
Plus, I think you take rain like God is pitying someone else in some part of the world(I did felt that too, do you). That's shows you have a nice heart! Keep that up A. Two thumbs up!:)
Right...the lines were jammed for TEN AND A HALF HOURS. :)
When are people going to learn? You can't beat the Pathfinder. ;)
Yes, I'm blowing my trumpet. ;) Or I would...if I could find it. :(
you've come a long way sweetie..another day/year wiser and more challenges ahead of you..you'll do fine ;)
have a blessed birthday...
hey andrea,
google works! this is gonna sound very fan-girlish, but just thought i'd pop by and say hi. my copy of off the edge mag just arrived today, and i was flipping through it when i saw the article on you and your mom. well done on everything. and i have to say the coolest part about all this (in my books) is that you're the suitcase girl on deal or no deal!! happy birthday, and happy merdeka :)
-M, from the fishtank days at astro
Happy Hatchy!
A, Malaysian National Day today. You celebrating?
happy birthday andrea!!
which reminds me malaysia's birthday is here too!
i am a frequent visitor of yr blog, and i've noticed that few days before sg national day you were raving about it on your blog, and now when it is jalur gemilang's turn, we dont see any cheer from your side....
is it cos most visitors here are singaporean? or being in singapore has brought your patriotism down?
fyi.. i am also a msian, working in sg
Ya lor... how you know? So crever you... juz like me!! (:
Well, as they say, if you can't beat em, join em... (blowin one's own trumpet i.e)
tgif bro (:
No lah qarezma(latin 4 Charisma), being in Singapore has only brought her patriotism UP (for S**g***re i.e)
ok, i better hide b4 ramli starts throwing his burgers at me. 1
Gua pun budak tanahair! MERDEKA! Reckon you're not the only one here! MERDEKA!
Oh the perils of being beautiful and famous...Happy Birthday, by the way!
Happy Malaysia's National Day...and Happy Belated Birthday. You got THAT for your birthday...seriously?! You have some generous generous friends...and you don't exactly need many friends as long as you have those that care for you like that.
"Happy Hatchy!"
Anonymous...she is one hot chick.
I don't know if you saw it, but I actually DID play the trumpet and cornet...embouchure is, however, completely gone by now. :(
That's alright...lips still work for the IMPORTANT stuff. ;)
Hi Andrea
Hope you are getting fine n shine these days. Recently, with the fever on live the dream, can't help but drawn to your charm n great personality. I have great faith in you that you will go really far in this showbiz.
I would like to comment on the past couple of your blogs about friends come rare these days. Well, would like to let you know that you are not alone. I as an ordinary girl too experience as well. Is pretty saddening n depressing, guess this is life. Just hope for true n sincere friendships. At least you have a 'fan' here who admire you for who you are. Cheer up yea?! Write more in your blog.. ^_^*
I was walking in the rain the other day, watching people hunch over, run like rain could injure them, and had some thoughts. "I walk in the rain, because I feel that way...soft eyes/piercing gaze..." like the rain can hydrate you spiritually and physically...how it helps plants grow, it opened the perspective to "people growing", not worrying/being scared...My point is related to what you spoke about related to your blog/rain... making you stop, slow down, be comfortable, and sense the things around you... later, Brian Siegel www.siegelinnovations.com
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