Okay, LOTS of you girls out there ask me how I achieve such clear skin, or if I have any beauty tips to share... So I've decided that every Friday, I will post a little blog about my favourite skincare/makeup products.
You guys may have already read my interview in Urban, on how much I loved YSL's Radiant Touch. I won't go on how I can't survive without it here. ;)
Today I will feature YSL's foundations; Perfect Touch Radiant Brush Foundation. It has this nifty soft brush applicator on one end, (no need to buy foundation brush already!), and all you have to do is squeeze a *little* (don't waste like me) out on the back of your hand, then dab, apply and blend.
Love it because:
It smells really good, its really hydrating on the skin, and it provides fantastic coverage without the 'cakey' look. And as the day goes on, and the make up absorbs into your skin, it looks more and more natural.
If I'm just putting light make up on, I skip the loose powder that normally follows - I save that for formal functions and events. The foundation still stays on; but make sure you use a waterbased or a not too oily moisturiser and base first, as the foundation is already pretty hydrating, you don't want to end up all shiny. (I've got combination skin, so I can afford to skip the loose powder. If you have dry skin, use a more moisturising base, if your skin is very oily, you will need to use a loose powder.)
Recommended moisturisers/hydrating gels that will go well with this product:
Clinique moisture surge, apply after you use an oil free moisturiser for an all day long dewy look.
Next Week's Feature
Andrea's Favourite Skin Care Regimes
You guys may have already read my interview in Urban, on how much I loved YSL's Radiant Touch. I won't go on how I can't survive without it here. ;)
Today I will feature YSL's foundations; Perfect Touch Radiant Brush Foundation. It has this nifty soft brush applicator on one end, (no need to buy foundation brush already!), and all you have to do is squeeze a *little* (don't waste like me) out on the back of your hand, then dab, apply and blend.
Love it because:
It smells really good, its really hydrating on the skin, and it provides fantastic coverage without the 'cakey' look. And as the day goes on, and the make up absorbs into your skin, it looks more and more natural.
If I'm just putting light make up on, I skip the loose powder that normally follows - I save that for formal functions and events. The foundation still stays on; but make sure you use a waterbased or a not too oily moisturiser and base first, as the foundation is already pretty hydrating, you don't want to end up all shiny. (I've got combination skin, so I can afford to skip the loose powder. If you have dry skin, use a more moisturising base, if your skin is very oily, you will need to use a loose powder.)
Recommended moisturisers/hydrating gels that will go well with this product:
Clinique moisture surge, apply after you use an oil free moisturiser for an all day long dewy look.
Next Week's Feature
Andrea's Favourite Skin Care Regimes
Eh Andrea, don't be too quick to promise weekly segments (and I notice you have an "akan datang" line some more)... you never know if things crop up on any given Friday that'll keep you from blogging!
Scorpion...perhaps Andrea's using this as incentive to write more often, albeit skincare tips? I wouldn't mind finding out such info! Hehe!
Path, I replied to your last post back there...
I detect a pattern here :
Auntie Agony's Answer
Andrea's Beauty Buzz
next :
Andrea's Chow Column?
would i be getting ahead of myself if i asked...i need to know how you keep your hair so nice and in place whether its straight or curled. mine will look fine when i leave the house but halfway through the day i'll look almost like a frazzled mad woman. and combing doesn't really make it fall in place again.
(A) I responded before getting here, actually.
(B) It's AAA, AAA, ABB...another ABB should be next. I'm infecting everybody... :)
Mine has STRANGE waves, but I'm of...dubious descent. :P It's also black and CARROT RED. :O And recently...white! :(
haha..okie. i just need some neaten-ing cos my hair is actually wavy or curly or something...but i rebonded it so now its kinda straight at some parts and not at the others..thinking of rebonding it again...or doing soft straightening...loreal or shiseido?i'm sooo clueless abt these things.wanna help?does gabe know about these things?i need him to remind me how to get thin again cos i'm getting so fat..and i'm so not motivated to exercise.i swear if i was rich i'd go lipo it all off..but then i'm not..boo.
I've exactly ONE intelligent thing to say here. :P
"I've got combination skin, so I can afford to skip the loose powder."
If you have combination skin, doesn't that mean you should skip the powder on SOME parts of your face ONLY?
well done path..but then doesn't the powder suck up the oil on the oily parts and covers up flaws on the dry part?
Like I mentioned, I had ONE intelligent thing to say. It's been said. Where makeup is concerned...your guess is as good as, or better than, mine.
Er, you cant exactly put powder on one part of the face and leave out the rest, 'cause the 'look' is different. ie one matte, the other.. well.. not matte. lol
is this apart of a paid advertisement?
lol no its not a paid advert. Its just that everyone keeps asking me beauty tips.. so I thought it'd be nice to have a post about it. :)
continue with your beauty tips! it realyl helps...altho most of the thing u used are pricey :(
btw what eye gel do u use?
Ahhh... I have primped & powdered, you may now kiss me, path ;-) I await your radiant touch *closes eyes & imagines* lolz
"...cant exactly put powder on one part of the face and leave out the rest..."
I wasn't suggesting that. :P I was questioning the relationship between your observation (skin) and deduction (powder).
But I know when I'm in over my head...never challenge a beauty queen's beauty tips. :)
Aren't you a guy? You're going to make Gabs jealous...
Actually, the two of you should meet up...and leave ME alone.
Wait, gabe, you and him should meet up!
wah.. what's all this kissing, radiant touching, jealousy.. so on and so forth?? DISGUSTING!!!!!
So eh.. can i join in? (:
hey Andrea
Dun forget the guys too...
any tips for us guys, dun forget us!(hey...we're are vain too, we want to look good as well)
tips from urself, other guy frenz, male model frenz, etc
I can't believe nobody's invited A to join in. How rude... :)
oh yes Yes YES YESSSSSS!!!! (:
now stop it (slaps self silly)
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