Friday, August 10, 2007

Word Up!

Ok so lots has happened in the last three days. Here goes, in chronological order..

1. I lost my phone. (AGAIN!). So I had to go down to Starhub Plaza Sing yesterday to (a) renew my plan, (b) get a discounted phone. I managed to get my paws on the really nice MotoKRZR. I figured since I had the Gold limited edition D&G RZR (sniff sniff now its gone), I might as well stick to the Moto cause I have three extra phone chargers lying around. ;P I tend to forget to bring chargers with me on trips, or I temporarily lose them, see.. so I end up buying quite a few.

ANYWAY. Then I proceeded to get my hair done at the Heeren, and manage to skip home just in time for..

2. LIVE THE DREAM, BAYBEH! Yeah.. Managed to catch the first episode, which was crazy. I was really nonchalant about the whole thing, but my friends were like, "OMG OMG OMG WE'RE SO EXCITED WE CANT WAIT" which is definitely really flattering... But really all I could think of was, "Dear Lord, Please Let My Hosting Be Okay...". ;) I mean, come on.. There I was, Andrea Fonseka, standing on stage with two other hosts with combined experience exceeds my age in years. So how? As usual, I was overly critical. But according to majority of friends, I did 'alright', and for that, I would like to thank God, Shaffie, the writers, all the directors, Henrietta and Jen. :D Now its on to the Live show, and then the REAL fun begins. Who knows? I might be the first Malaysian girl to accidently curse on Live TV here in Singapore. Heh. Heh. *wipes sweat off brow*

3. So then when we finished watching LTD, my friends and I headed off to Fort Canning.. for; you guessed it! SingFest! We all chilled backstage with the bands, met up with Jien and Sarah Tan, had some pictures taken, this one here is me, and (by far the best band performance) the lead singer of Hinder; Austin Winkler.

Mum told me to be careful of men like these..

'Cause they're easily driven up a wall... or, in this case, a metal scaffold.

Uhh.. That's a Coke Light in my hand btw. Didn't matter though, the music was intoxicatin'!

Dude, if you want my high heels, just ask.....

Watching Hinder's performance, by far was the highlight of the night. :)

Note: Just for the record, I totally disagree with their song, Lips of an Angel.... Listen to the lyrics and you'll see why. lol! Yep, I'm a lyrics kinda gal. ;)


Anonymous said...

Andrea Fonseka, u lost ur phone?
Wish I found it, then it will be a good excuse to meet you and pass it to you, in person!!(muahahahahaha....)

ђҲ said...

I still prefer Bon Jovi and Matchbox Twenty. :)

Anonymous said...

I've only ever had two cell phones...both of which were handed down from relatives. I had to get the second one as the accessories for the first had been phased, batteries for the second are also unavailable. I try not to carry when I don't have to. I'd rather throw seven figures (assuming I had them) at a car...than throw AWAY two figures on a cell. Most people think I'm, I only go nuts when phones ring during a movie.

How do you know your phone wasn't STOLEN? You could give us the number...we could all make some crank calls. :) You could even say you were STILL using the phone. Even MORE crank calls... :D

IP Freeley...anyone?

I can just imagine an unscrupulous fan stealing your number...only to discover the phone's been stolen. It would be...sublime. :O

"...according to majority of friends..."

As I've said before, I agree with your did "alright" on LTD. MORE than "alright"...

"...Mum told me to be careful of men like these..."

Funny...she told me to be careful of women like YOU. :P

"That's a Coke..."

And Kopisi is black... :P

Actually, you're not the first person I've heard complaining about the Lip lyrics...and I'm quite aware you're not just a "melody" girl. I'm not sure...I think the law school and poetry tipped me off. ;) I'm not just a "melody" guy either...not a whole bunch of us around. :(

adelin said...

hihi Andrea:
1. May i ask how you lost your phone ah?
2. Enjoyed the first episode, above average hosting! i'm looking forward to next week live show.
3.each week the one/group with the least number of votes will be elimated?

Anonymous said...

Nice midriff... :)

...but I've been staring at your chest... :O

...trying to figure out what your top says. ;)

What DOES it say? :P

Anonymous said...

Use a more modest model lah... GOLD handphone somemore. Wah lau.

Anonymous said...

Do you drink? Can I challenge you one day? Wanna see when you are really drunk. Cheers.

Anonymous said...


I'm sure A would LOVE that. In fact, you should bring your (phone) camera along to capture the moment.

But it's kind of difficult to get them drunk when you're warning them in advance...

Anonymous said...

Miss Andrea.....,Was it the super limited edition d&g (the one with the number on the back) or the just the basic simple D&G phone. coz i need to consider wether it is worth searching for the phone, the super limited one is worth like 3-4k resale, so i might just start searching....

Andrea Fonseka said...

Sunny: I think it was the basic simple one.. I don't recall any numbers on the back. Unless it was inside the phone of course. I don't like opening gadgets up unless I really have to cause I tend to break them. :S

Path: Go zoom into the picture: you'll see it IS a Coke Light can. They were out of Heineken. :P

Zack: I do drink, once in a while... And I cannot challenge anyone; I'm what they call a Cadbury girl... all it takes is a glass and a half for me to have a good time. ;)

Path: Its a campaign against Aids shirt that I bought from the Body shop. Its something like "I'd rather say no than to expose myself to HIV" or something. ;)

HX: I LOVE matchbox 20, wallflowers, LIVE, and a little maroon 5. ;)

ђҲ said...



Anonymous said...

wow U actually saw and to0k picture with Hinder...
lol I understand what u mean about the song...Lips of an Angel...

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea,need your opinion on something.I have been asking a few of my Girl Friends about this:
Most guys normally check out girls whom they think are hot to a point that its obvious to the girl, but do girls do that?I mean do they actually fixate on a cute guy perhaps in the MRT or somethin, or do they just give a short glance and however cute he may be,pretend they weren't looking?Most of the girls I asked say that they are more discrete.
Whats your perspective....

Anonymous said...

" IS a Coke...were out of Heineken..."

I got it, I got switched to cola after you depleted their stocks of H.


And here I thought you didn't like beer...


"...zoom into the picture..."

I'm looking at it, and I realise you have SUCH pretty hands, princess...


...not a part of your anatomy to which I've paid much attention.


On a COMPLETELY unrelated note, there's been another accident...a woman fractured her leg, I think.

The coach was operated by ALISAN TRAVEL.

Back to your scheduled programming...

Good Nite ` Kimmi said...

the person that get your phone must be happy i guess . if they know who u are. LOL

Anonymous said...

Love your shirt babe! tell me where to buy!! :)

Anonymous said...


He might not know it's her phone...but he'd better know who she is. ;)

Anonymous said...


A mentioned it above.

Anonymous said...

hey andrea... dang, i missed your show, but im sure not gonna miss the next ep!! i think u are a great host!! all the best!!!

Andrea Fonseka said...

Thanks all. :)

Path: actually my hands are really ugly. I got a big bad burn on my left index finger, from being over zealous when I was out having shabu-shabu. :S Heinies are the only beer I can tolerate actually... its still waaaay loads better than stout. :P

navarro: thanks dear! oh yeh do me a favour, let David Navarro know that I'd host the next Rockstar for free. ;)


Initial J said...

You look really cute there.. hehe..
Hope you are able to get back back your cellphone/mobile. Important numbers there? Hope you had fun there.. with coke.. hehe..

Anonymous said...

" hands are really ugly..."

Sure they are...just like you're a hideous, masculine giant. I beg to differ on both counts... :)


You do realise that can mean something else, right? ;) I enjoy CANS of HEINIES also. :O

I hear you on the stout thing (I like the book of records, but that's about it)! I hardly drink, actually (maybe an occasional Jack and Coke...NOT Light). :P I don't even take coffee. ;)

And there's been ANOTHER accident on your country's highways...this one's pretty bad. Are you still getting home (KL) by bus?